WASPI Training Videos Now Available!
In order to support organisations with understanding the Wales Accord on the Sharing of Personal Information (WASPI) framework, we have produced our first set of short videos to support organisations and their staff.
The first video is a brief introductory video to WASPI and the Accord – Outlining the WASPI framework and how to be a member of the Accord. This video is designed for organisations to show to employees to enable them to learn what WASPI is , or organisations looking to sign the Accord, to gain more information prior to doing so.
Our second video goes into detail in relation to how to create an Information Sharing Protocol (ISP) and the quality assurance of ISPs using the WASPI framework. The video complements the guidance documents available on the WASPI website to give ISP authors and partners to ISPs an understanding of the quality assurance process.
The WASPI team welcome feedback on the videos, as well as suggestions towards content for further videos which could support their organisations.